OncoMedia Sep-Dec 2015
Vol 1 | Issue 2 | Sep – Dec 2015 | page:34-35 | Dr Ashish Gulia & Dr Ashok Shyam
Author: Dr Ashish Gulia[1] & Dr Ashok Shyam[2, 3]
Dr. Ashish Gulia MS (Ortho), Mch – Surgical Oncology
[1] Fellowship – Musculoskeletal Oncology (TMH – HBNI)
Asst. Professor – Orthopaedic Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Dr Ashok Shyam MS (Ortho)
[2]Indian Orthopaedic Research Group, Thane, India
[3] Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics &Rehabilitation, Pune, India
ONCOMEDIA will focus on News and Event related to Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors from all across the World. Specific focus will be Industry updares,New Research, Social Impactof tumors, Basic Scinece and developmentsin cytogentics and allied fields. In short OncoMedia is a place for most interesting read in this entire issue 🙂
Bone Tumors on You tube
You tube has revolutionised the information dissemination scenario. From reading text the scenario has now changed of visuals. Medical knowledge dissemination through you tube is started almost from the inceptino of the website. There are many videos and essential details that are available on the you tube website. The problem is selecting a few and finding time to watch them. The JBST Oncomedia team and gone through you tube and found some interesting vedioes that we can recommend to our readers. We will also be psoting links of these videos on jbstjournal.com too. Lets see some details of these videos.
1. Pathology of Bone tumors. Essentially meant for postgraduate students, this video gives pictures of true specimens and their description.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHfozp2e8zg
2. Bone Tumor Imaging: is a video of powerpoint lecture by Dr K L Verstraete. Although made in 2012, the lecture is quite informative and will help many to update their knowledge about Bone Tumor imaging.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsLIUyExEXU
3. KOC Radiology conference: This KOC talk was given by our editorial board member Dr Bhavin Jhankaria in 2014. This is a very thorough update on imaging of bone tumor and delivered in inimitable style of Dr Bhavin. We highly recommend everyone to watch this video.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2TGHrYGAvA
4. MSK Imaging bone tumor: Finally we can complete the update on bone imaging by watching this detailed video. Again presented in format of voice over of a powerpoint presentation, this includes a very good visual appeal to the video.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcYRoB-qRX0
We will be providing reviews of some more youtube resources in the next issue of Oncomedia. Please provide us with your comments, suggestions and criticism for this feature of JBST.
Orthopaedic Powerpoints is a new presentation of the Orthopaedic Research Group. Although PPT’s are readily available online but many of them are not recent or with medicore content. At OrthoPowerpoints.com we will assure that best quality of material is published and circulated. The website will feature peer reviewed powerpoints and to begin with includes members by invitation only. Few presentations from the editorial board of JBST are available online. Visit www.orthopowerpoints.com for more details.
IMSOS 2016:The second Annual conference of Indian Musculoskeletal Oncology Society is planned on 11-13 March 2016 and will be held in Kochi. Visit the website www.imsos2016.org for more details.
IMSOS – Surgeon’s Training Initiative: This will be a travelling fellowship open only to IMSOS members allowing them a 6-8 weeks fellowship at a centre of their choosing. Two fellowships per year will be available. Interested readers can join IMSOS and look for further announcements
Dr. Ashok Shyam |