Guest Editorial: Message from IMSOS President

Vol 5 | Issue 1 | Jan-April 2019 | page: 2 | Bhavin Jhankaria

Author: Bhavin Jhankaria [1].

[1] Picture This By Jankharia, Bhaveshwar Vihar, 383 Sardar V P Rd, Opposite Vanita Vishram, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400004, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Bhavin Jhankaria
Picture This By Jankharia, Bhaveshwar Vihar, 383 Sardar V P Rd, Opposite Vanita Vishram, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400004, India.

Asia Pacific Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Conference 2018

Message from IMSOS President

IMSOS or the Indian Musculoskeletal Oncology Society is truly a multi-disciplinary society comprising of orthopedic surgeons, radiologists, pathologists and medical and radiation oncologists. All of these specialties and their doctors have come together to work towards providing optimal care to patients with bone and soft tissue tumors. IMSOS also encourages non-doctor members…anyone who makes a difference to the care of patients with bone and soft tissue tumors is welcome to be part of the society.
IMSOS’ vision is to “promote scientific, evidence based, comprehensive multidisciplinary management of bone and soft tissue sarcomas and encourage basic and clinical research”. IMSOS’ mission is to do this through meetings, conferences, workshops, white papers and an active website where people engage with each other to learn and teach and to eventually use that knowledge to optimally manage patients and alleviate their pain and suffering.
IMSOS is orthopedic-surgeon-driven given the very nature of the subject. However, radiologists, pathologists, oncologists and the other members are also an integral part of the Society. By electing me President for the next 2 years, IMSOS has truly proven its multi-disciplinary character.
The new IMSOS secretary and I, will ensure that IMSOS’ mission and vision are fulfilled and that we continue the work done by Ajay Puri and Ashish Gulia. We will strive to create a platform that will allow those who come after us to continue and enhance the work done by us.
We are actively soliciting suggestions from IMSOS’ members on various topics and issues to ensure that IMSOS stays and continues to be relevant and make a difference.
Let’s have a great meeting in Kolkata and work towards an equally good or better meeting in Bengaluru in March 2020.

Dr Bhavin Jhankaria
President – Indian Musculo Skeletal Oncology Society

How to Cite this article: Jhankaria B. Message from IMSOS President. Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Jan-April 2019; 5(1):2.

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