Editorial September – December 2019
Editorial | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | JBST September – December 2019 | Page 21 | Yogesh Panchwagh, Ashish Gulia, Ashok Shyam. 10.13107/jbst.2019.v05i03.014
Author: Dr. Yogesh Panchwagh[1], Dr. Ashish Gulia[2] & Dr. Ashok Shyam[3],[4]
[1]Orthopaedic Oncology Clinic, Pune, India.
[2]Orthopedic Oncology Services, Department of Surgical Oncology,
Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
[3]Indian Orthopaedic Research Group, Thane, India
[4]Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics &Rehabilitation, Pune, India
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Yogesh Panchwagh.
Orthopaedic Oncology Clinic, 101, Vasant plot 29, Bharat Kunj
Society -2, Erandwana, Pune – 38, India.
Email: drpanchwagh@gmail.com
JBST has completed 5 years of publication. At present, JBST is indexed with Index Copernicus, ETH Bibliothek and Google scholar while the process of Pubmed indexation is in pipeline. Being the official journal of the Indian Musculoskeletal Oncology Society (IMSOS), most of the contributions to the journal have come from the members of IMSOS. There have been respectable international contributions too, mostly in form of review articles. We have noticed that the original research articles which JBST would like to emphasize on currently, are far and few to be submitted. We feel one of the main reason for this could be the pending pubmed indexation.
The awareness about need of publications is already there in the subcontinent. We believe that there is tremendous clinical work ongoing. The data analysis and writing of the manuscripts, which earlier was in the backseat, also is on the rise currently. Most of the educational institutes now look at the research done and published by the faculty to decide on multitude of factors like enhancing financial aid, giving additional manpower and deciding on appraisals and promotions. This boosts the need of doing more research and publishing it.
When an author thinks of sending his or her original research work to a journal, the main thing that plays a role is the indexation. It simply is a reflection on how the journal is valued, how much of a difference it’s making in the concerned field and whether the processes followed are up to a certain standard. This in turn gives a certain credibility to the journal. However, there were certain branches, orthopaedic oncology being one, where there was dearth of a journal dedicated to the field. JBST aimed at filling the void and giving an option to the researchers to publish their hard work which otherwise takes a long time to find its way to the online or print version of journals dedicated to a broader speciality. Our focus was and always will be quick turnaround time, good quality and being clinician and researcher friendly. Considering that most clinicians and students would have limited budget allocation, we have kept the publishing fees to the bare minimum. In fact, for the life members of the affiliated societies of the journal, JBST is happy to waive off the publishing fees.
As we continue to walk the path that we had set our feet on, we would like to thank all our authors, reviewers, editorial board members and readers for the pivotal role that they have played over the years in shaping JBST. With continued help and support by the above mentioned, we hope to continue improving and getting better.
Dr. Yogesh Panchwagh
Dr. Ashish Gulia
Dr. Ashok Shyam
How to Cite this article: Panchwagh Y, Gulia A, Shyam A. Editorial. Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors September-December 2019; 5(3):1. |