A Rare Recurrent Chondromyxoid Fibroma of the Proximal Tibia in an Adolescent Female
Original Article | Volume 6 | Issue 3 | JBST September – December 2020 | Page 16-19 | Ashish Kumar Goyal, Abhishek Vaish, Raju Vaishya, Pankaj Baweja DOI: 10.13107/jbst.2020.v06i03.34
Author: Ashish Kumar Goyal[1], Abhishek Vaish[1], Raju Vaishya[1], Pankaj Baweja[2]
[1]Department of Orthopaedics and Joint Replacement Surgery, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, India.
[2]Department of Pathology, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Ashish Kumar Goyal, Department of Orthopaedics and Joint Replacement Surgery, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi – 110 076, India.
E-mail: drgoyal41@gmail.com
Introduction: Lytic lesions of the bone are often seen in children and young adults. These are usually benign but sometimes are locally aggressive bone tumors. Lesser known causes of lytic lesions are chondromyxoid fibroma (CMF) and its recurrence is very rare. The accepted treatment for CMF is surgical curettage with bone grafting and the review of the literature shows that recurrence rate is 3–22%.
Case Report: We present a rare case of an adolescent girl of 14 years who presented with a recurrent bone tumor of the proximal tibia, after 4 years of the primary curettage. It turned out to be a CMF. She presented with swelling over the right upper leg for the past month. It was gradual in onset, progressive, and non-radiating in nature. There was no history of trauma. She had had a similar complaint 4 years back in 2016, for which she was operated elsewhere, where curettage and synthetic bone substitutes were used for filling the bone cavity. She was taken up for surgery for extended curettage and bone cementing. The histopathological examination was suggestive of CMF. Subsequent follow-up, she reported complete resolution of symptoms with a pain-free range of knee movements and no radiological signs of recurrence.
Conclusion: The accepted treatment for CMF is surgical curettage with bone grafting, but the recurrence rate is 3–22%.
Keywords: Chondromyxoid fibroma, benign lesions, tibia, recurrence.
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How to Cite this article: Goyal AK, Vaish A, Vaishya R, Baweja P| A Rare Recurrent Chondromyxoid Fibroma of the Proximal Tibia in an Adolescent Female | Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors | September-December 2020; 6(3): 16-19. |