Intralesional Curettage technique for Giant cell tumor of bone – current concepts and evidence
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | May- Aug 2017 | Page 7-12 | Manish Agarwal
Authors: Manish Agarwal [1]
[1]Department of Surgical Oncology, P.D Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Veer SavarkarMarg, Mahim, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Manish Agarwal,
P.D Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre,
Veer SavarkarMarg, Mahim, Mumbai – 400 016, Maharashtra, India.
Intralesionalsurgery is the most favored kind of surgery for giant-cell tumors of the bone. A good surgical technique helps minimize the risk of local recurrence. A good exposure followed by meticulous curetting aided by a high-speed burr is the backbone of this surgery. The role of chemical and thermal adjuvants is discussed with the evidence. The best way to reconstruct the cavity after curettage has been hotly debated. This article discusses the role of bone, cement, as well as a combination “sandwich” technique.
Keywords: Intralesional surgery, curettage, giant-cell tumor, adjuvant, “sandwich” reconstruction.
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How to Cite this article: Agarwal M. Intralesional Curettage Technique for Giant-cell Tumor of Bone – Current Concepts and Evidence. Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors May-Aug 2017;3(1): 7-12. |