Editorial May – August 2020

Editorial | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | JBST May – August 2020 | Page 1 | Yogesh Panchwagh, Ashish Gulia, Ashok Shyam. 10.13107/jbst.2020.v06.i02.20

Author:Dr. Yogesh Panchwagh[1], Dr. Ashish Gulia[2] & Dr. Ashok Shyam[3],[4]

[1]Orthopaedic Oncology Clinic, Pune, India.
[2]Orthopedic Oncology Services, Department of Surgical Oncology,
Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
[3]Indian Orthopaedic Research Group, Thane, India
[4]Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics &Rehabilitation, Pune, India

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Yogesh Panchwagh.
Orthopaedic Oncology Clinic, 101, Vasant plot 29, Bharat Kunj
Society -2, Erandwana, Pune – 38, India.
Email: drpanchwagh@gmail.com

In the last 4 months, we have seen the real impact of Covid-19 pandemic in India with multiple lockdowns implemented nationwide. With all offices and businesses, barring the healthcare sector and allied units, coming to a standstill or switching to work-from-home format, there have been major changes to the ways in which we used to accomplish things.

Certain branches of medicine and especially some hospital units saw tremendous surge in work pressure given the intense demand of workforce required to handle the pandemic. Many others faced challenges in form of reduced patient load affecting the economics and had to fight daunting circumstances to stay afloat. Everyone had to adapt to face the situation and emerge out less scathed if not unscathed.

However, the situation presented a unique opportunity to all. It ranged from data accrual and documentation pertaining to the various aspects of pandemic in case of some, while for others who had free time, it helped in analysis and manuscript writing of pending publication work. Everyone had an opportunity to contribute to research and hence we have seen a surge in manuscript submissions and publications. Thankfully, the review process for almost all remained mostly unaffected and hence the turnaround times for article publication were not affected significantly.

Adaptability remains the key for the human race. We need to look for the brighter aspects through the ongoing mayhem, fight the doubtful thoughts lurking around, take advantage of whatever situation we may be forced into and focus on the work that needs to be done.

JBST team is proud and happy to present this issue on time despite multiple challenges. Kudos to all the contributors who have shown grit and a strong will to fight on.

Dr. Yogesh Panchwagh
Dr. Ashish Gulia
Dr. Ashok Shyam

How to Cite this article: Panchwagh Y, Gulia A, Shyam A. Editorial. Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors May-August 2020; 6(2):1

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