CAOS in Paediatric Bone Tumour Surgery

Vol 1 | Issue 2 | Sep – Dec 2015 | page:17-21 | James E. Archer[1], Philippa L. May [2], Lee M. Jeys[1,2*]

Author: James E. Archer[1], Philippa L. May[2], Lee M. Jeys[1,2*]

[1]The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Bristol Road South, Birmingham, B31 2AP, UK.
[2]College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 2TT, UK
[3]Professor of Health and Life Sciences, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK

Address of Correspondence
Professor Lee M. Jeys, MBChB, MSc (Ortho. Engin.), FRCS (Tr. & Orth.), Professor of Health and Life Sciences, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK.


Surgical navigation has been used by neurosurgery for a number of years as a method for accurately locating and resecting tumours within the brain. The anatomy of bony structures does not alter between image acquisition and the surgical procedure, therefore computer assisted technology lends itself well to use in orthopaedic surgery. Studies have demonstrated that this technology improves orthopaedic surgical accuracy across a wide breadth of procedures such as arthroplasty, knee ligament reconstructions and more recently, bone tumour surgery. This article aims to identify the importance of this new technology in paediatric bone tumour surgery and give an overview on its use.
Key Words: Computer assisted orthopaedic surgery, Paediatric, Oncology.


Paediatric orthopaedic tumour surgery is one of the most challenging areas of orthopaedic oncology. Tumours can be found in a number of regions, with the pelvis being one of the most challenging. The removal of a tumour, post-operative complications and need for revision, all have a large impact on quality of life in paediatric patients. The complexity of the pelvic region and the associated nerve and organ structures mean that surgical excision of tumours must be very precise. Resection without Computer Asissted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS) has a high rate of local recurrence because of the difficulty of achieving a wide local excision [1]. The use of computer assisted technology in sarcoma surgery has improved surgical outcomes by reducing local recurrence, reducing revision rates and by decreasing the rate of amputations and nerve root damage [2,3].

The tumour types
Two tumour types are often seen in the pelvis in the paediatric population. Osteosarcomas are the most common primary bone tumour and they are most commonly seen in teenagers and young adults. They form approximately 20% of all primary bone tumours and approximately 8% of these will be found in the pelvis [4].

Table 1 2
Ewing’s sarcoma is a rarer tumour, with around 65-75 cases per year in the UK. It is far more common in the paediatric population with a median age at diagnosis of 15 [5]. Pelvic Ewing’s sarcoma is seen in 26% of all patients [6].
In the UK, pelvic Ewing’s sarcoma are often treated pre-operatively with chemotherapy plus either radiotherapy or proton therapy. This makes surgery in the pelvis even more challenging and also has led to an increasing trend not to perform reconstruction due to the high risk of complications. This therefore makes protecting nerve roots and the hip joint essential to maintaining function.

Table 3
While these tumours in the pelvis are rare and do not represent a large case load, they are often significantly advanced at the time of presentation. This is in part due to their rarity, but also due to the fact that localised symptoms only become apparent late in the condition as the pelvis can contain a large tumour without displaying symptoms. Also because of the young age of the patients, the impact on quality of life and functionality can be significant. This is especially true when considering the extent of surgical intervention that children often require. The length and complexity of surgery also means complications such as infection, dislocation and recurrence are high.
CAOS has been used less frequently in the lower limbs at our centre but has been used at other units extensively [7]. One case of the use of CAOS in the lower limb is presented in this article. Other applications for CAOS include its use in biopsy and for radio-frequency ablation [8].

Figure 1

The Challenge of Pelvic Surgery
There are a number of features which make pelvic oncological surgery challenging and it therefore requires experienced and highly skilled surgical intervention.
The first feature of note is the average size of tumours, at presentation primary pelvic tumours tend to be extremely large as the symptoms of a tumour in this region are often attributed to other causes such as musculoskeletal pain. Furthermore, swelling can be non-palpable due to its location and the overlying muscle. These features in combination tend to mean that pelvis tumours are large at presentation, on average 628cm3 [9].
The underlying anatomy of the pelvis itself also makes this a challenging area to perform surgery. The pelvis is a large, complex three-dimensional structure with numerous nerves and friable soft tissues present. Because of its size and complexity, patients often have to be moved intra-operatively to facilitate appropriate access to the pelvis.

Fire 2
The tumours themselves also contribute to the difficulty of surgery. They frequently contain cystic lesions which may burst, furthermore they also can be weaker than the surrounding healthy bone structure leading to fracturing of the tissue to be removed.
Furthermore, achieving a wide local excision of the tumour can be challenging. As discussed, these tumours tend to be discovered late, therefore they can have invaded into local soft tissue structures. Attempting to maintain joint, hip capsule and articular surfaces can help to maintain function but may impact on the completion of a wide local excision. These difficulties in resection of the tumour have led to the high rate of local recurrence reported [10], due to inadequate resection margins, both intra-lesional and marginal.
One study looked at the success of wide local excision margins in the pelvis, in experienced surgeons, operating on model pelvises in ideal conditions. The probability of them obtaining a suitable margin was 52%, highlighting the difficulty of obtaining appropriate margins for surgical resection [11].
The primary aim of the surgery is of course excision of the tumour but an important secondary outcome is to ensure function. Reconstruction using a one-size fits all prosthesis is not possible in the pelvis due to the complexity of the mechanics of the pelvis. Therefore, individual prosthesis are required, which fit effectively to prevent further revision being required. In those fitted with an endoprosthesis the 5 year survival of the prosthesis was 76% [10], compared with 87% survival at 12 years for those who undergo massive allograft reconstruction [12].
Once all of these other features have been overcome, the rates of complication are also high, due to all of the factors identified above. Three major case series have reported their complications and the data is included in the table below. They have reported complication rates of greater than 50%, with infection, local recurrence and dislocation being the major contributors as shown below (Table 1).
How can we improve these outcomes?
There are a number of features that have been targeted to try and improve outcomes.
Firstly, blood loss during surgery can be significant, as shown in the studies below. Every study shows an average blood loss of greater than 2.5 litres, which in a paediatric population represents a significant volume of blood loss (Table 2).
One method for reducing blood loss is hypotensive anaesthesia. By maintaining patients at a lower mean arterial pressure, the amount of bleeding can be reduced. A retrospective study using hypotensive epidural anaesthesia compared to standard anaesthetic technique was performed at The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham [20]. This showed that blood loss was significantly reduced by using this technique (Table 3).
The other big advance has been the use of CAOS. CAOS works effectively in the pelvis for a number of reasons. Firstly, the bony structure of the pelvis allows for multiple bony landmarks to be used as reference points. The registration of landmarks allows the computer to orientate itself correctly within space and therefore build up a correlation between the saved images and the three dimensional structures that are present. This correlation is what allows such accuracy at the time of surgery and helps to ensure an adequate wide local excision by accurately delivering the pre-operative planned resection to within 1mm.
The image required for CAOS is also important as both CT and MRI offer benefits. CT images provide good detail of the bony structures, but MRI provides more information on the soft tissue structures and the extent of the tumours. Therefore, fusion of these imaging modalities has been performed [21] which allows for a more complete pre-operative planning image. As technology advances further imaging modalities have been fused into this process including PET scans and angiograms.
There have been some reports of improved intraoperative registration being achieved by implanting four Kirschner wires, two in the iliac crests and two in the posterosuperior iliac spines, to act as permanent markers. The implantation of these wires helps to offset any error that may be produced by orientation difficulties and further enhances the accuracy of surgery within a delicate region [22].
Use of CAOS has shown a reduction in local recurrence rates from 26% to 13% at a mean follow up of 13.1 months [2]. While this has not completely removed local recurrence, it is a significant reduction in preliminary practice. The authors suggest that as surgeons become more practiced in using the CAOS technology, further improvements could be seen. The importance of minimising registration errors is highlighted, as this can help to ensure good accuracy of the surgery and therefore good surgical margins can be achieved. One element of this registration accuracy is to ensure that the time between image acquisition and surgery is minimised.
Finally, the design of custom made implants has also been made possible by the precise planning and good quality pre-operative images. Using the planning images, and the exact measurements and angles allowed by this process, the engineer can effectively design a custom implant which will fit exactly. This has previously not been possible as the surgeon would need to make a judgement at the time of the procedure regarding the extent of resection, so a pre-planned prosthesis, custom made to fit exactly to the patient was not always feasible. Good communication between the engineer and the planning surgeon is essential to ensuring that the implants will work effectively.

Case Illustrations
To highlight the importance of CAOS we now briefly discuss two cases which were performed at The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham using CAOS.
The first case is a case of a pelvic Ewing’s sarcoma. The presentation MRI is shown below (Fig. 1). The case was discussed at the National Ewing’s sarcoma MDT meeting, the location of the tumour made surgical resection very challenging as there was significant risk of damage to the L5, S1 and S2 nerve roots. She was initially given four cycles of chemotherapy and then re-discussed at the MDT meeting. Despite the high risk, the decision was made to combine surgery with radiotherapy as it was felt this would probably give the best outcome. The significant morbidity risks were discussed with the patient and her family. They decided to proceed with surgery. She underwent a computer assisted hemisacrectomy after pre-operative chemotherapy and radiotherapy with a good response. The images below show images from the planning software and then the orientation of the navigation technology (Fig. 1c,d,e). The operation was successful and managed to preserve the nerve roots and histology confirmed complete necrosis of the tumour. The images below show her post-operative recovery (Fig. 1b,f). No further radiotherapy was therefore required. She made a good post-operative recovery and progressed so well that she was able to Ski one year after the procedure, where she fell and fractured her pelvis. This has now healed and she can walk an unlimited distance and is wakeboarding!
The second case is a lower limb Ewing’s sarcoma. The presentation X-ray and MRI images are shown in (Fig. 2a,b). He underwent neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and had a good response to this. He then underwent a computer assisted radiation reimplantation of his right femur. His femur was removed and irradiated with 90 Gy of radiotherapy (Fig. 2 c,d,e). He made a good post-operative recovery and histology confirmed complete necrosis of his tumour. The post-operative images below show good fixation was achieved (Fig. 2 f,g). He completed his post-operative chemotherapy and made an excellent recovery with full weight bearing and good union of his osteotomies (Fig. 2h,i) show his follow-up x-ray and an image of him walking to demonstrate normal function.


The use of CAOS has increasing evidence of providing improved outcomes. Early results seems to suggest decreased local recurrence, reduced rates of revision and decreased need for amputation (2). One of the major improvements offered by CAOS is the reduction in intra-lesional resection rates (1,23,24).The increased accuracy afforded by CAOS also allows for better fitting implants with better biomechanics, therefore helping to reduce complications and the rate of revision.
Surgical planning time is currently longer when CAOS is used, however it is felt that as surgeons become more practiced this time will reduce. Furthermore, the currently increased time taken is likely worth it for the improvement in outcomes. Currently unpublished data from this centre also shows that there is a reduced operative time when CAOS is used.
While cost-effectivity of this approach has not been assessed, the reduced complications and potential for reducing local recurrence would appear to point to a long-term cost saving by using this approach to paediatric bone tumour surgery in the pelvis.


1. Ozaki T, Flege S, Kevric M, Lindner N, Maas R, Delling G, et al. Osteosarcoma of the pelvis: experience of the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group. J Clin Oncol Off J Am Soc Clin Oncol. 2003 Jan 15;21(2):334–41.
2. Jeys L, Matharu GS, Nandra RS, Grimer RJ. Can computer navigation-assisted surgery reduce the risk of an intralesional margin and reduce the rate of local recurrence in patients with a tumour of the pelvis or sacrum? Bone Jt J. 2013 Oct;95-B(10):1417–24.
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4. Ottaviani G, Jaffe N. The epidemiology of osteosarcoma. Cancer Treat Res. 2009;152.
5. Grimer R, Athanasou N, Gerrand C, Judson I, Lewis I, Morland B, et al. UK Guidelines for the Management of Bone Sarcomas. Sarcoma. 2010;2010:1–14.
6. Bone Cancer Research Trust. Ewing’s sarcoma information, Version 2 [Internet]. 2013. Available from:
7. Aponte-Tinao L, Ritacco LE, Ayerza MA, Muscolo DL, Albergo JI, Farfalli GL. Does intraoperative navigation assistance improve bone tumor resection and allograft reconstruction results? Clin Orthop. 2015 Mar;473(3).
8. Gerbers JG, Stevens M, Ploegmakers JJ, Bulstra SK, Jutte PC. Computer-assisted surgery in orthopedic oncology: Technique, indications, and a descriptive study of 130 cases. Acta Orthop. 2014 Dec;85(6):663–9.
9. Jeys et al. Computer navigation assisted surgery for pelvic and sacral tumours: experience of a tertiary centre. In Gothenburg, Sweeden; 2013. p. 08.104.
10. Jaiswal PK, Aston WJS, Grimer RJ, Abudu A, Carter S, Blunn G, et al. Peri-acetabular resection and endoprosthetic reconstruction for tumours of the acetabulum. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2008 Sep;90(9):1222–7.
11. Cartiaux O, Docquier P-L, Paul L, Francq BG, Cornu OH, Delloye C, et al. Surgical inaccuracy of tumor resection and reconstruction within the pelvis: an experimental study. Acta Orthop. 2008 Oct;79(5).
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How to Cite this article: Archer JE, May PL, Jeys LM. CAOS in Paediatric Bone Tumour Surgery. Journal of  Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Sep-Dec 2015;1(2):17-21.

              Dr. James E. Archer 

Dr. Philippa L. May

                Prof. Lee M. Jeys   

(Abstract)      (Full Text HTML)      (Download PDF)

Limb Salvage in Paediatric Bone Tumours

Vol 1 | Issue 2 | Sep – Dec 2015 | page:10-16 | Michael Parry[1], Robert Grimer[1]

Author: Michael Parry[1], Robert Grimer[1]

[1] The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham, UK.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Michael Parry.
Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Bristol Road South ,Northfield, Birmingham
B31 2AP, United Kingdom


Significant progress has been made in the management of paediatric osseous sarcoma. Where historically this diagnosis conferred a dismal prognosis, modern strategies of oncological management have resulted in significant improvements in disease free survival. These improvements have resulted in a broadening of the feasibility of limb salvage, which, in the paediatric population, presents its own unique challenges. Treatment must prioritize life over limb and not compromise local control for the advantage of cosmesis, limb length or function. Limb salvage, where possible, offers distinct advantages over conventional amputations and with the advent of modern techniques and technologies, should always be a consideration in the paediatric sarcoma population.
Keywords: Limb salvage, paediatric sarcoma.


Primary malignant tumours arising from bone are relatively rare in the paediatric and adolescent population, accounting for only 6% of childhood malignancies. Of these, the majority (>90%) comprises osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma. Other bone sarcomas including chondrosarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, fibrosarcoma, malignant giant cell tumours, and adamantinoma can occur in the paediatric population although their incidence is relatively low. In these rare tumours, surgery is the first choice for local control.
Historically, an extremity sarcoma in a child conferred a dismal prognosis. However, advances in imaging modalities, greater understanding of the role of local control, and the use of multi-agent chemotherapy, has resulted in a significant improvement in overall survival. Such advances have resulted in an increase in 5-year survival from 10-20% to 60-70% with modern techniques. Thanks to these improvements in overall survival and a groundswell of interest and advances in technology, limb salvage is now regarded as the gold standard of treatment for those presenting with osseous extremity sarcoma. Advances in bone banking and an appreciation of the behavior of prosthetic replacement have improved surgical outcomes in limb salvage, though they have created their own complications. The aim of this review is to explore the advances in limb salvage surgery for osseous sarcoma in the paediatric population.

Patient Assessment and Diagnosis
Patients presenting with a suspected sarcoma should be managed in a specialist institution with the expertise and multi-disciplinary facilities necessary for the holistic care of the patient throughout their cancer journey. This is no more apparent than in the paediatric population where treatment decisions must be agreeable not only to the patient but also to their parent or carer.
In all patients, a detailed history and examination is mandatory. Whilst the majority of sarcomas are sporadic, rare familial conditions, including Retinoblastoma and Li Fraumeni syndrome, should be identified. The physical examination must include assessment not only of the lesion but also the distal neurovascular status of the limb.
Radiography must include a plain radiograph of the affected bone or limb segment as this will form the basis of the diagnosis. Further, detailed cross sectional imaging, most commonly with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) will allow local staging. Systemic staging of the disease necessitates computerized tomography (CT) of the chest, as well as skeletal imaging, either in the form of a technicium Tc-99m scan, or whole body MRI. Systemic staging may include positron emission tomography (PET) in conjunction with a CT scan, though this is dependent on local and institutional guidelines.
Biopsy remains the cornerstone of confirmation of diagnosis for any suspected malignancy arising from bone. Improperly performed biopsies can result in a delay in treatment, hinder subsequent attempts at limb salvage, and result in an increase in local recurrence. MRI prior to biopsy helps identify the optimal position for biopsy and avoids distortion of the imaging by post-biopsy changes. The biopsy should be performed in such a way that the tract can be completely excised at the time of definitive resection and should be performed by a surgeon familiar with the techniques of limb salvage. The use of image guidance with ultrasound or CT is especially pertinent in the paediatric population where considerable contamination can occur with open biopsy techniques.

General Treatment Considerations
It is imperative that discussions regarding treatment are conducted in the setting of a multi-disciplinary team including specialists in paediatric oncology, radiology, histopathology and orthopaedic oncology surgery. Having established the diagnosis, in terms of histological type and grade, and staged the local and systemic burden of disease, discussion turns to local control. The timing of local control varies dependent on diagnosis and stage. Most strategies utilize systemic chemotherapy prior to definitive local control. This allows the treatment of metastatic or suspected micro-metastatic disease to be instigated immediately. This time lapse allows careful planning of the definitive surgical resection, allowing time for custom made implants or grafts. It also allows an assessment to be made of the tumour response to neo-adjuvant therapies, which often guides adjuvant therapy following tumour resection. In some cases, neo-adjuvant therapy results in a dramatic change in the tumour facilitating subsequent resection. The modality for local control must take into consideration patient, tumoural, socio-economic, cultural and technical biases.

Amputation versus Limb Salvage
Whilst no absolute contraindications to limb salvage exist, the involvement of neurovascular structures which preclude attainment of a clear margin without significant impairment of limb function, and very young skeletal age, should point away from limb salvage as the definitive local control. Relative contraindications include factors resulting in a delay in reinstating systemic therapy, including infection and post operative wound complications, and factors most likely to result in an increase in local recurrence, including tumour bed contamination from inappropriate biopsy, expected positive surgical margins and pathological fracture (Fig. 1).

Fig 1 2 3
Patient wishes must be respected when considering amputation or limb salvage. The majority of studies comparing function in these two treatment groups have looked at tumours of the distal femur. No statistically significant difference has been demonstrated in the overall or disease specific outcomes between these two approaches, which is a manifestation of appropriate patient selection. According to the available outcome scores, function following amputation is comparable to that of limb salvage, with comparable psychological end points. Patients with limb salvage will often have a superior cosmetic result but often at the expense of endurance in certain physical activities. Patients undergoing limb salvage will undergo more surgical interventions than their amputation counterparts and patients and their families should be made aware of the lifetime of surveillance and repeated surgical interventions at the outset. However, financial considerations should not sway the intervention, especially as amputation patients will require a greater lifetime expense than their limb salvage counterparts.

Limb Salvage Surgery
When considering surgery for local control in osseous malignancies of the immature skeleton, consideration must be given to the tumour location and the sensitivity to oncological treatment modalities. For tumours sensitive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, (especially Ewings sarcoma), in challenging locations where surgical resection will result in unacceptable morbidity or an uncontaminated margin will be difficult to achieve, then non-surgical interventions may be more appropriate. Alternatively, for tumours not sensitive to radiotherapy, such as osteosarcoma, surgical resection may be the only option for local control, regardless of the morbidity. Surgery for the primary tumour and for metastatic deposits should be considered wherever possible. The aim in all surgery is to obtain as wide a margin of clear tissue as possible around the tumour. The better the response of the tumour to neoadjuvant treatment the safer limb salvage surgery becomes. Local control is indispensible for the cure of patients with Ewing’s sarcoma. Intralesional resection is associated with an increased risk of local recurrence and distant metastases.

FIg 4 5

Resection Without Reconstruction
For tumours arising in dispensable bones in the immature skeleton, including sections of the ulna, the scapula, the sacrum, the pelvis and fibula, local control can be achieved through excision without reconstruction. Excellent functional outcomes can be achieved without reconstruction, more so in the adaptable paediatric population.

Resection and Reconstruction
Biological Reconstruction
Autograft The large bony defect created following resection of an osseous malignancy often necessitates reconstruction for preservation of function and continued skeletal growth. The use of non-vascularised autologous structural bone graft dates back 100 years  , whilst the use of a vascularized fibula graft was first described by Taylor in 1975. The blood supply of the vascularized graft is preserved by anastomosing its feeding vessel to a host artery. The graft subsequently undergoes revascularization from this vessel and from the surrounding vascular bed. Since its first description, this technique, as well as the use of non vascularized grafts, has been extensively described and applied. The technique lends itself best to reconstruction of intercalary long bone defects, or for proximal humeral osteoarticular reconstruction where the fibula provides not only structural support but also allows longitudinal growth of the limb segment from the proximal physeal plate. Special consideration should be given to resection of pelvic sarcomas where autograft reconstruction is being considered. An option for reconstruction in the adolescent age group, at or approaching skeletal maturity, is resection, extracorporeal sterilization and reimplantation. This has been reported as a viable method for reconstruction. Indeed, in their latest series reporting the use of this technique, Wafa et al   reported a successful outcome in patients as young as 8 years old. This technique can also be applied to other body sites, particularly for intercalary reconstruction (Figs. 2 &3).
Allograft Improvements in tissue banking have allowed an expansion in the use of cadaveric osseous and osteoarticular allografts. Grafts are harvested and sterilized either by freezing or irradiation and can be offered on a custom made, size matched basis. There are mixed reports on the viability of articular cartilage following sterilization and the cadaveric bone itself is incorporated at best only moderately at osteosynthesis sites and beneath the periosteal sleeve, making the allograft at best a biomechanical scaffold. Depending on the site of reconstruction, up to 50% of patients undergoing allograft reconstruction can expect at least one complication, including infection, non-union or graft fracture. Some have reported infection rates following allograft reconstruction to be twice that seen following reconstruction with an endoprosthetic replacement. In spite of these potential problems, patients who avoid complications following allograft reconstruction function at a high level without the requirement for repeated revision procedures seen in endoprosthetic replacement.
In the case of adamantinoma and osteofibrous dysplasia like adamantinoma of the tibia, resection and reconstruction can be achieved either without reconstruction in the case of small, unicortical lesions, or with reconstruction using allograft, or autologous fibula graft. The fibula can be transferred and stabilized either in conjunction with a tibial allograft stabilized with plates or with the assistance of a ring external fixator.
In cases of diaphyseal resections, reconstruction can be achieved with intercalary allograft where the native joint above and below the lesion can be preserved. In many cases, particularly in Ewing’s and osteosarcoma, the tumour extends to the metaphysis, sparing the physis. Careful dissection can allow removal of the tumour without injury to the physis, preservation of the native cartilage and ligamentous attachments. Reconstruction of the diaphyseal defect with an intercalary allograft stabilized with an intermedullary nail through the centre of the physis allows continued growth at the physis. Incorporation of the allograft can be augmented by the addition of a vascularized fibula graft within the allograft. For tumours involving the distal femur or proximal tibia in young patients, an alternative option for reconstruction, preserving the foot, is an intercalary resection, and tibial turn-up (Van Nes) arthroplasty. The residual limb is rotated through 180o, the ankle joint now forming the novel knee joint. The resultant limb has the cosmetic appearance of an above knee amputation whilst allowing the capacity for longitudinal growth, if the proximal tibial physis has been preserved. Following rotationplasty, a prosthesis can be worn at the knee allowing ambulation. Gait analysis demonstrates improved kinematics when compared to a conventional above knee amputation. Careful consideration should be given not only to the technical demand of the procedure, but also the psychological impact on the patient and family of the disfiguring but highly functional procedure. The fact that the patients have no phantom pain is a distinct advantage over amputation at a similar level.

Non-Biological Reconstruction
Significant advances have been made in the design and manufacture of endoprostheses in the last 30 years. The advent of neo-adjuvant chemotherapeutic regimens has allowed an acceptable time lag between diagnosis and local control which allows for the manufacture of custom made endoprostheses based on the patients’ particular anatomy without delaying treatment. Primitive devices suffered from errors in manufacture resulting in implant fractures and early loosening with non-rotating knee prostheses. The current generation of endoprostheses offer an attractive life span for the majority, failure largely attributable to stress shielding in long stem endoprostheses and particle-induced osteolysis due to wear at the bearing interface. Failure is largely dependent on anatomical location, with proximal humeral and proximal femoral devices faring best, whilst distal femoral and proximal tibial prostheses perform less well. Patients with endoprostheses will undoubtedly require revision surgery within their lifetime, each time requiring greater osseous and soft tissue resection. The risk of infection remains high and increases with each revision procedure, leading, in the worst-case scenario, to possible amputation. This risk is increased when radiotherapy is employed, particularly for endoprosthetic reconstruction of the proximal tibia.
In younger patients, with more than 2 years of growth remaining, the issue of limb-length equalization is a real concern, particularly at the distal femur, where the physis here accounts for the majority of longitudinal growth. In such patients, “growing” prostheses present an attractive answer. Prostheses incorporating a growing distraction device can allow predictable lengthening and equalization of leg lengths. Minimally invasive growing prostheses (Fig. 4), where the device is lengthened by a distraction screw, accessed through a small incision, can be used in patients where surveillance of local recurrence is expected to require MRI. In those where local recurrence is unlikely, a non-invasive growing prosthesis (Fig. 5) can be employed. In such devices, the prosthesis incorporates a magnetic motor activated by an external rotating magnet applied in close proximity to the limb. This overcomes the need for repeated surgical procedures, and the inherent risk of infection this carries. However, patients with such devices cannot undergo further MRI scanning due to the irreparable damage this incurs on the magnetic motor. Whichever endoprosthetic device is chosen, consideration should be given to the method of fixation to native bone. The failures of early devices, attributable to particle-mediated osteolysis, have, to a certain extent, been obviated by the use of hydroxyapatite collars, essentially sealing the medullary canal and implant-bone interface from particulate wear generated at the bearing surface[53,54].


The paucity of algorithms to guide treatment strategies in paediatric patients with osseous sarcomas is a reflection of the multifactorial influences that predict outcomes following resection. An appropriate strategy can only be achieved following careful consideration of oncological, pathological, surgical and patient factors. Whichever strategy is adopted, the sequence of priorities should always be first life, then limb, then function, with leg length discrepancy and cosmetic appearance affording lesser consideration. When true equipoise exists between limb salvage and limb sacrifice, in terms of overall and disease-free survival, consideration must be given to limb function not only in the immediate periods following reconstruction, but also for the entirety of the life of the patient. In the case of the paediatric population, this may exceed the professional lifetime of the treating surgeon.


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How to Cite this article: Parry M, Grimer R. Limb Salvage in Paediatric Bone Tumours. Journal of  Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Sep-Dec 2015;1(2): 10-16.


(Abstract)      (Full Text HTML)      (Download PDF)

Natural “Barriers” Its Relevance To The Spread Of Bone Sarcoma

Vol 1 | Issue 2 | Sep – Dec 2015 | page:5-9 | K C Gopalakrishnan[1]

Author: K C Gopalakrishnan[1].

[1] SUT Hospital, Pattom,Trivandrum,Kerala, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr.K C Gopalakrishnan,M.S Ortho,M.Ch,
Senior Consultant and Head,Orthopedic Surgeon at SUT Hospital, Pattom,Trivandrum,Kerala, India.


Cancer grows locally in a centrifugal manner and reaches distal sites via lymphatic and vascular pathways. It is unclear what provisions in the tumour prompt the migration pathway. In depth knowledge of human anatomy extrapolated with Common sense, guide and prompt us to think of the “Natural barriers” in the centrifugal spread of tumours.
Certain tissues in the limbs, such as articular cartilage ,synovium and capsule, thick cortical bone and periosteum, major fascias septae, tendon origin and insertion of muscles and in childhood thick physeal cartilage act as natural barriers. These structures, by virtue of their unique anatomy, act as “NATURAL BARRIERS” to tumour spread and separate tissues into distinct anatomical spaces called compartments.
Keywords: Bone sarcoma, paediatric tumors, natural barriers.


Humans in their pursuit of achieving self-sufficiency in life, have conquered many mountains of success, many yet to climb. We, health professionals, have shared these success stories in understanding the causes and the right remedial means in many diseases humans suffer. At least a few of us might feel strange when we come to realise that cancer begins in one’s own cell; bone cancer for that matter is no exception. When sarcoma and cancer spread from its site of origin to the lungs, liver kidney, brain or cardiovascular system, the life ends, all on a sudden or insidiously.
A clear knowledge of tissues and structures which are normally present in our body and are recruited to perform the additional function of containing the noxious agent, like a sarcoma, from spreading is essential for any clinician dealing with bone tumors. In a global perceptive this is similar to the sea, mountains and rivers being used as territorial barriers of nations.

Clinical Relevance
This brief presentation is to provide an insight to the oncologic team responsible in the management of bone and soft tissue sarcoma on the following:-
a) Staging of tumour
b) Planning per cutaneous biopsy
c) Extent of work up needed for metastasis
d) Type of resection of the local lesion
e) Projecting the prognosis of a sarcoma.

Athorough knowledge of the anatomical spaces (compartments) into which malignant tumours extend from their site of origin is essential to stage the tumour and plan the steps of local surgical treatment. In this context what commonly referred as “Natural barriers “is relevant in the evaluation neoplastic growths, malignant tumours in particular.

Table 1
The primary goal of an oncologic surgeon is to provide local control of disease by obtaining adequate tumour margin at the time of resection. Today local disease control, where ever possible is achieved through a limb-sparing procedure, however, if the lesion is too advanced, an amputation or even disarticulation will be required for disease control. The decision to amputate or perform a limb sparing procedure depends on many factors. These include ,size of tumour, the relationship of tumour to adjacent structures such as nerves, blood vessels, involvement of adjacent joint and the overall stage of the tumour at presentation.

Fig 1 2 3
Although different staging systems now exist, it can be seen that they are all based on three common components; namely the grade of the tumour, its local extent and the presence of metastasis. The system of Enneking staging (1, 2 3) which has been adopted by MSTS is shown in table 1.
The grade of the tumour is a measure of its ability to metastasise. It is based on primarily on histologic features such as cellular atypia, number of mitoses, degree of necrosis and vascularity. A sarcoma is classified as either low- grade or high- grade. In general a low- grade lesion is less biologically active and will require a relatively conservative surgical procedure, conversely a high grade lesion will usually require a more radical procedure because of its more aggressive nature.

FIg 4 5 6
Factors related to the tumour site include the size of the lesion and its local extent. Sarcomas tend to grow centrifugal lay along pathways of least resistance and are contained in part by a pseudo capsule as they extend into adjacent tissues. Encapsulation is a reflexion of host response. In biologically active and in malignant tumours encapsulation is incomplete. A malignant lesion may remain contained within the pseudo capsule (intra-capsular) but in general malignant cells often extend beyond the capsular boundaries (skip lesions). If a lesion extends through its capsule but is still confined within a single anatomical compartment, it is considered extra-capsular but intra-compartental. If the tumour extend into an adjacent compartment it is classified as extra-compartmental. In general lesions with more advanced local extension including involvement of neurovascular structures or joint, require excision of more adjacent tissue than do smaller tumors that have not spread to local soft tissues. At time of diagnosis most bone sarcomas would have breached the bony cortex and spread to local soft tissue, making them bicompartmental. This may be specifically correct in our country where there is always a delay in diagnosis due to ignorance on part of patient or multiple consultations that are sought by the patients.
The third component of the staging system is the presence of lymph nodal or distant metastasis. Regional lymph node involvement is much less common with musculoskeletal sarcomas than are pulmonary metastasis, but both are equally poor prognostic factors.

Fig 7 8

Anatomic Compartments
Certain tissues in the limbs, such as articular cartilage, synovium and capsule, cortical bone and periosteum , major fascia’s septate, tendon origin and insertion of muscles, in childhood the wide physical cartilage, act as ” natural barriers” to tumour spread and separate tissues into distinct Anatomic Spaces called compartments .Among the natural barriers mentioned above, the physeal cartilage deserves special mention. In the pre-adolescent age the physeal cartilage in the lower femur and upper tibia is very wide. Between its second and third layers of the physeal cartilage (Fig. 1) there are no constant blood vessel demonstrated, also except at the subperiosteally region, no constant anastomoses between epiphyseal and metaphyseal vessels. This variation in blood supply of the physeal cartilage has a bearing on the spread of tumours in the metaphyseal region. Therefore a malignant lesion confined to the metaphyseal side of the physeal cartilage can be considered for radical removal through the second and third layer as extracompartmental resection. On a personal experience ,Intercalary resection for osteosarcoma with over twenty five years of follow up have confirmed wide physeal cartilage in the lower femur and upper tibia is a predictable natural barrier (Fig. 2 ). The greatest advantage of this type of resection is, it is radical, and ECRT of resected bone and reconstruction with the same bone becomes anatomical. If goes uncomplicated the reconstruction becomes biological, function will be excellent and cosmetically normal and lifelong.
A tumour confined to one of these spaces is considered intra-compartental and is of a lower stage than a lesion that has spread beyond these barriers classified as extra- compartmental. This extra-compartmental spread may occur via direct tumour invasion of an adjacent space or by contamination resulting from fracture (Fig. 3) haemorrhage or an operative procedure such as an unplanned resection or an inadvertently planned biopsy. An extra- compartmental lesion will require a more radical resection than one that is purely intra-compartmental.
Fat areoles tissue and muscle are relatively poor natural barriers to spread of tumours and certain regions in the body that are composed of these tissues are considered completely extra compartmental. A tumour involving any of these regions whether it arose there or involved from adjacent compartments is considered extra- compartmental.
An update on the anatomic spaces (compartments) of the extremity is briefly described. Without that a presentation on natural barriers of malignant tumour spread would be incomplete.

Skin And Subcutaneous Fat
The skin and subcutaneous fat together are considered a single compartment. They are separated from deeper tissues by a thick fascia, deep fascia,. There are no barrier for longitudinal spread of tumour in this compartment.

Each bone is considered an individual compartment bounded by the cortex and periosteum and the articular cartilage at the ends. A purely intraosseous lesion is therefore considered intracompartmental (Fig. 4), whereas tumour extending from bone to adjacent soft tissue (Fig. 5) or vice versa would be considered extra-compartmental.

Except at the site of attachment of muscles there is a narrow space occupied by areolar tissue around large bones like humerus, femur and tibia. This space between the bone and overlying tissue is considered a compartment because a lesion could arise in that location without invading bone or adjacent soft tissues.

Intra Articular
Each joint is considered a distinct compartment bounded by synovial and capsular tissues.

A tumour confined to a single muscle is considered intra-compartmental. However extension of tumour beyond the muscle is still considered intra-compartmental if it is confined to a larger compartment bounded by natural barriers such as fascia or tendon

Nerves And Blood Vessels
Neurovascular structures are not classically considered compartments but must be evaluated during staging or biopsy of sarcoma. Tumour spread usually occur between compartments along neurovascular bundles and involvement of major nerves may preclude the possibility of limb sparing procedure.

Upper Extremity
Periscapular: – The muscles and fasciae covering the dorsal scapula are considered a compartment. They include the infraspinatus, trees minor and rhomboid muscles. The supraspinatus muscle is in a separate compartment, as the spine of the scapula separate these two regions.
Upper arm: – The soft tissues of the upper arm are divided into two compartments: anterior and posterior (Fig. 6) the anterior compartment contains the biceps, brachialis, coracobrachialis and brachioradialis muscle. The triceps musculature comprises the posterior compartment.
Forearm: – The forearm contains two compartments: dorsal and volar (Fig. 6).The extensor muscles in the dorsal compartment; it is separated from the volar compartment by the interosseous membrane. The flexor muscles are found in the volar compartment.
Hand: – The palmar soft tissues are separated into multiple compartments but because they are so compact and have so many neurovascular communications, most lesions involving this region are considered extra-compartmental.
Extra-compartmental spaces of the upper extremity: – Purely extra-compartmental spaces of the upper extremity include the periclavicular region, axilla, antecubital fossa, wrist and the dorsum of the hand.

A lesion confined to a single bone or muscle within the pelvis would be considered intra-compartmental, but most lesions are large at presentation and show extra-compartmental spread to adjacent tissues by the time the patient is examined.

Lower Extremity
Thigh :- Three compartments make up the thigh anterior, posterior and medial(Fig. 7) The anterior compartment contains the iliotibial tract and tensor muscle of the fascia lata and the quadriceps musculature (rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius) the vastus intermidius muscle is sometimes considered a separate , fourth compartment. The posterior compartment contains the hamstring muscles (semimembranosus, semitendinosus and biceps femoris) as well as sciatic nerve. The gracilis and adductor muscles lie within the medial compartment. Although the sartorius muscle is an anterior structure proximally and a medial structure in the distal thigh, it is classically considered an anterior compartment structure.
Lower leg: – The lower leg is divided into four compartments. Anterior, deep posterior, superficial posterior, and lateral (Fig. 8). The anterior compartment contains the tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum long is, and extensor hallusis logus muscles as well as the anterior tibial vessels and deep peroneal nerve. The anterior compartment is separated from the deep posterior compartment by the interosseous membrane. The tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum, flexor hallucis longus muscles lie in the deep posterior compartment along with the posterior tibial and peroneal arteries and the posterior tibial nerve. The superficial posterior compartment contains the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles and the sural nerve. The peroneal muscles lie in the lateral compartment along with common and superficial peroneal nerves.
Foot: – The plantar tissues of the foot are divided into three compartments: medial central and lateral. The medial compartment contains the abductor hallucis and flexor hallucis brevis muscles. The flexor digitorum brevis, quadratus plantae, lumbricals and adductor hallucis muscles lie in the central compartment. The lateral compartment contains the abductor and short flexor muscles.
Extra-compartmental spaces in the lower extremity. The groin (inguinal region and femoral triangle) popliteal fossa ankle and dorsum of foot are considered extra-compartmental.

Principles Of Percutaneous Biopsy
Choose the shortest route from skin and the lesion.
Avoid neurovascular and joint, lung, bowel, and other organs.
In suspected malignant lesions the needle path to be in the line of incision for resection.
The needle should not traverse an uninvolved compartment.
Osseous tumours, like Osteosarcoma, most commonly affect the proximal humerus, pelvis, distal femur and proximal tibia. Safe Per cutaneous biopsy approach is described below.
The pre-treatment work up in a suspected musculoskeletal sarcoma should include plain radiograph, ultra sound scan, CT scan of local and chest, pre and post chemotherapy MRI of lesion, bone scan and in selected patients PET scan(4, 5).

Proximal Humerus
Lesions in this region should be biopsied using an anterior approach through the anterior third of the deltoid muscle. The deltoid muscle is innervated by the axillary nerve from posterior to anterior. If needle track is chosen anywhere in the posterior two thirds of the muscle, the residual anterior portion will be essentially denervated and functionless after resection of the posterior portion of the muscle.

A needle path through the gluteal muscles should be avoided for lesions in the pelvis because resection of these muscles during a limb sparing procedure will result in poor functional outcome. An anterior approach preferably through the anterior superior iliac spine or anterior inferior iliac spines spines should be used wherever possible. The posterior superior iliac spine is an alternative route.

Distal Femur
An anterior approach through the rectus femoris or quadriceps tendon should be avoided. If the quadriceps tendon must be resected as part of a limb sparing procedure because the biopsy passed through it, the functional result is suboptimal. A medial or lateral needle path can be used for lesions in this region, though a medial surgical approach affords optimal access to the neurovascular structures during resection.

Proximal Tibia
An anteromedial approach should be used for tumours in the proximal tibia because it will avoid contaminating adjacent compartments.

For an orthoapedic oncology surgeon there is always a tussle between removing all the affected tissue while preserving all normal tissue. For this reason anatomical landmarks and detailed knowledge of compartments is much more important to an orthopaedic oncology surgeon. Again the same knowledge will be needed by faculties of interventional radiology and pathologist too. In this review, I have tried to cover the most important clinical principles along with anatomical details of common sites. however this review is by no means exhaustive and a more detailed knowledge should be acquired from other sources and articles.


Anatomical boundaries play crucial role in limiting spread of sarcomas. A thorough knowledge of the anatomical spaces (compartments) which are bounded by natural barriers is essential for staging of tumours.  The management plan will alters depending on the integrity of these natural barriers. This knowledge is also essential in performing per cutaneous needle biopsy and limb sparing resection procedures.


1 . Enneking WF, Spanier SS, Goodman MA. A system for the surgical staging of Musculoskeletal sarcoma. Clin. Orthop Relat Res 1980; 153; 106-120.
2. Enneking WF, Spannier SS, Goodman MA. A System for the surgical staging of Musculoskeletal sarcoma, 1980 Clin Orthop Relat Res, 2003; 415:4-18.
3. M.U .Jawad, S.P.Scully: Enneking Classification: Benign and Malignant Tumours Of the Musculoskeletal System. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2010’468:2000-2002.
4. Olson PN, Everson Ll Griffiths Hj, staging of musculoskeletal tumours. Radiological Clin North Americaa1994’32 ,151-162.
5. Sundaram M, Mc Guire MH, Herbold DR, Wolverson MK,Heiberg E: Magnetic resonance imaging in planning Limb Salvage Surgery for primary malignant tumours of bone. JBJS A ,1986 ,68A,809-819.

How to Cite this article: K C Gopalakrishnan. Natural “Barriers” Its Relevance To The Spread Of Bone Sarcoma. Journal of  Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Sep-Dec 2015;1(2): 5-9.

  Dr. K C Gopalakrishnan

(Abstract)      (Full Text HTML)      (Download PDF)

Paediatric Bone Tumours

Vol 1 | Issue 2 |  Sep- Dec 2015 | page:3 | Dr Subin Sugath.

Author: Dr Subin Sugath [1].

[1]Orthopaedic Oncology Clinic, Pune, India.
[2] Indian Orthopaedic Research Group, Thane, India
[3] Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics &Rehabilitation, Pune, India

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Subin Sugath MS Orth.
Department of Ortho Oncology.
Aster DM Healthcare Pvt Ltd. Kuttisahib Road, Near Kothad
Bridge, South Chittoor PO, Cheranallor, Kochi 682 027,
Kerala, India.

Paediatric Bone Tumours

Bone tumours are rare as they constitute less than 2% of all malignancies. Though they can affect any age group, paediatric age group forms one of the commonest subsets affected by this. Osteosarcoma and Ewings Sarcoma, two common primary malignant bone tumours are commonly seen in patients less than 20 years of age. Since Ewings sarcoma was discussed in details in the last issue of the journal, the present symposium tries to cover certain general aspects of paediatric bone tumors in some details rather than discussing individual tumors. The outcome of treatment of this malignancy has seen a drastic improvement with the use of more potent chemotherapeutic drugs, newer imaging modalities which tell you the exact extent of these tumours and improved surgical techniques. The overall survival and disease free survival have increased from the dismal levels prevalent in the eighties to promising new levels. Amputation which was the choice of treatment earlier has been replaced by limb preserving surgeries where only the diseased bone is removed rather than the entire affected limb. An adult and a paediatric patient cannot be equated when it comes to management of bone tumours. The challenges in treating a child with bone tumour are more considering the age, size of the patient and bone, the remaining growth potential and the difficulty in using conventional reconstruction options after tumour resection. An open physis can be considered as a thick barrier to tumour spread and can be taken as a margin while doing tumour resection in children. The concept of margin and their implications in tumour surgery in children has been discussed in the article by Prof. K.C Gopalakrishnan [1]. The article is written from a surgical anatomy/pathology point of view and will be very helpful in understanding the basic of natural barriers and spread of tumors. Conventional reconstruction technique using prosthesis causes limb length discrepancy at the time of skeletal maturity as the unoperated limb grows normally while the operated limb doesn’t as the growth plate is also removed during the tumour excision. Different reconstruction options which can overcome this are discussed in detail in the article by Prof. Robert Grimer [2]. The decision making between limb sacrifice and limb salvage is difficult one both for the patient and for the surgeon. Factors like life span, limb function, patient’s wishes and expected limb function will help guiding the decision. At times, this decision may be quite difficult and may challenge even a lifetime experience of an orthopaedic oncology surgeon [2]. Expandable implants which can be lengthened over a period of time to compensate for the growth of the contralateral limb has come a long way in making prosthetic replacement an acceptable option in children with bone tumours. Various biological methods of reconstruction using autografts and allografts have their own advantages as it can be a lifelong solution once they incorporate with the host bone. Reimplantation of the tumour bone after sterilisation is also now accepted as a reconstruction option in children. Intercalary resections where the natural joints can be preserved require precise surgical resections to attain both oncological clearance and also to have a viable reconstruction option. Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS) has come a long way in helping to attain this goal. The benefits of this technique are explained in the article by Prof. Lee Jeys where he also discusses the use of CAOS in complex pelvic surgeries [3]. The benefits of using high dose methotrexate has been debated for long. Although methotrexate is been use since 1960’s, the currently literature still does not have enough evidence to recommend for or against its use. Some studies have shown strong positive effect while others have shown no advantage. The use of high dose methotrexate based chemotherapy has been outlined in the article by Dr Vivek Radhakrishnan [4]. They have also tried to review the important existing literature and provide recommendation for use of high dose methotrexate in paediatric osteosarcomas. Applicability of high dose methotrexate is also discussed in the Indian scenario and this may be applicable to most developing world countries.  In all keeping up with the multidisciplinary approach discussed in the editorial [5], the current symposium has tried to present anatomical/pathological, surgical and medical aspect of bone tumors along with recent advances in the field. Children with bone tumours need to be treated differently from adults while considering the management and I hope these series of articles will help to enlighten us in the management of these complex problems.

Dr Subin Sugath

1. K C Gopalakrishnan. Natural “Barriers” Its Relevance To The Spread Of Bone Sarcoma. Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Sep-Dec 2015;1(1):5-9.
2. Parry M, Grimer R. Limb Salvage in Paediatric Bone Tumours. Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Sep-Dec 2015;1(2):10-16.
3. Archer JE, May PL, Jeys LM. CAOS in Paediatric Bone Tumour Surgery. Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Sep-Dec 2015;1(1):17-21.
4. Reghu K S, Radhakrishnan V S. High dose Methotrexate in Paediatric Osteosarcoma – a brief overview. Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Sep-Dec 2015;1(1):22-24.
5. Panchwagh Y, Shyam AK. M.D.T. (Multi Disciplinary Team) For Sarcomas: A Must ! Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Sept- Dec 2015; 1(2):1-2.

How to Cite this article: Sugath S. Paediatric Bone Tumours. Journal of  Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Sep-Dec 2015; 1(2): 3-4.

Dr.Subin Sugath

         Dr.Subin Sugath

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M.D.T. (Multi Disciplinary Team) For Sarcomas: A Must !


Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors

Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors

Vol 1 | Issue 2 |  Sep- Dec 2015 | page:1-2 | Dr. Yogesh Panchwagh & Dr. Ashok Shyam.

Author: Dr. Yogesh Panchwagh [1], Dr. Ashok Shyam [2,3].

[1]Orthopaedic Oncology Clinic, Pune, India.
[2] Indian Orthopaedic Research Group, Thane, India
[3] Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics &Rehabilitation, Pune, India

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Yogesh Panchwagh.
Orthopaedic Oncology Clinic, 101, Vasanth plot 29, Bharat Kunj Society -2, Erandwana, Pune – 38, India.

Editorial: M.D.T. (Multi Disciplinary Team) For Sarcomas: A Must ! 

“Coming together is beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success”: Henry Ford.

Henry Fords quote can be aptly extrapolated to the clinicians working in the field of orthopaedic oncology. Many a time, it is seen that interaction between various specialties is of paramount importance to reach to a logical conclusion while dealing with bone and soft tissue tumors. The rarity of these lesions and often-encountered complex clinical scenarios makes it mandatory for the treating clinicians to sit together to decide the diagnosis and further line of management. The multi disciplinary team (M.D.T.) that thus ensues is the key to success in management of bone and soft tissue tumors.
A typical M.D.T. comprises of (but may not be limited to) the sarcoma surgeons, medical and radiation oncologists, Pathologists, radiologists, Palliative care and rehabilitation specialists. It is expected that the institute where the M.D.T. is located should have reasonable experience in managing sarcoma patients. This number may vary from country to country. For example, In the U.K., it is expected that such an M.D.T. should be seeing at least 100 new soft tissue sarcoma cases every year or 25 primary bone sarcoma cases every year [1,3].
It is expected that all cases or suspected cases of sarcomas should have a speedy access to diagnosis and treatment. All diagnosed cases also need to be reviewed by a specialist in the M.D.T. The surgical management including the initial biopsy and definitive resection, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are to be carried out by member of a sarcoma MDT. In case that a surgeon who is a M.D.T. member is not available, the surgery should be done by a surgeon with tumor site-specific or age-appropriate skills, in consultation with the sarcoma MDT. Informing patients about relevant clinical trials and support to enroll into the trials as appropriate also forms a responsibility of the M.D.T [1,2,3,4].
Such MDT’s should be developed at individual centers that specialize in management of sarcomas. The advantages of such MDT approach is manifold. First it will allow complete and detailed assessment of patient and the disease at single center which will help in early and accurate diagnosis of the disease and extent of the disease. It will also help in more precise planning of management strategies and much better patient care. Sarcomas are unique diseases in the sense that they invoke a great sense of anxiety in the patients and their caregivers. These diseases have strong emotional responses and many a times lot of confusion exists in minds of the affected. In our country this leads to a varied response which many a times includes patient being referred and consulted by many doctors and surgeons before reaching a proper channel of care. A single coordinated MDT will help the patients to reach this channel much earlier. A coordinated approach at single center will help curb the patient’s and caregivers anxieties to a large extent and will also be much more convenient to them. The Australian Sarcoma Study Group have gone through the literature and produced evidence supporting MDT approach through following conclusions [1,2,3] :
1. MDT: Treatment at a dedicated MDT center results in better patient survival, decreased amputation risk, better chances of disease free survival. Also MDT center follow the clinical practice guidelines and have appropriate use of preoperative imaging and biopsy.
2. Supportive care: This is one of the most important aspect of patient care that help in providing better care for the patient as a whole. It helps in improving the quality of life, patients stay fewer days in the hospital, require fewer home visits and have better physical, social and emotional responses.
3. In MDT scenario the expert panel of radiologist will be able to diagnose the disease early and also pathological diagnosis is much more accurate in MDT settings.
There have been some attempt to bring together various specialties in our country too. Specifically there have been common forum and meetings where specialties have come together to share their views. Few centers have regular interspeciality meetings too. The Indian Musculoskeletal Oncology Society has organized a multifaculty meeting in Pune in October 2015 and hopefully they will continue to foster this development. Centers that specialize in sarcoma care should realize the importance of MDT approach. Although specialized centers do have coordinated approach, a more formal MDT body will help make the system more organized and effective. Journal of Bone and Soft Tissue supports the multidisciplinary approach and the first issue had authors from almost all specialist involve in sarcoma care. We wish to involve more specialties and specialist involved in sarcoma care with JBST and in coming issues our focus will be to publish articles with more coordinated approach to oncology care.
The MDT approach has been successfully used in many countries. In fact the U.S. National Cancer Control Network (NCCN) ( and the U.K.s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) ( both have detailed recommendation for use of MDT approach in management of sarcomas. The developing countries too need to follow a similar model in the interests of the sarcoma patients. It is still not very uncommon in a country like India, which dreams of a digital revolution, to see examples of late diagnosis, improper biopsies, incorrect interventions and non-evidence based management. We believe that there is a need to prepare our own guidelines, modified according to suit the geography, disease prevalence and health care and infrastructural capabilities and to promote the concept of MDT in the care of sarcomas.

Yogesh Panchwagh & Ashok Shyam


1. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2006. Improving outcomes for people with sarcoma. NICE guidance on cancer services.
2. Robert Grimer Nick Athanasou, Craig Gerrand, Ian Judson, Ian Lewis, Bruce Morland, David Peake, Beatrice Seddon, and Jeremy Whelan. 
UK Guidelines for the Management of Bone Sarcomas. 
Sarcoma. 2010; 2010: 317462.
3. Why Multi disciplinary care is important in sarcomas.
4. The ESMO / European Sarcoma Network Working Group. Bone Sarcomas: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines. Ann Oncol (2014) 25 (suppl 3): iii113-iii123.

How to Cite this article: Panchwagh Y, Shyam AK. M.D.T. (Multi Disciplinary Team) For Sarcomas: A Must !  Journal of  Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Sept-Dec 2015; 1(2):1-2.


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Non-Vascularised Ipsilateral Fibular strut – A Modality to Treat Giant cell tumor of lower end radius using Anterior Approach.

Vol 1 | Issue 1 | May – August 2015 | page:45-47 | Ninad Godghate[1], Vikram V Kadu[1], K  A Saindane[1], Neha N Godghate[1].

Author: Ninad Godghate[1], Vikram V Kadu[1], K A Saindane[1], Neha N Godghate[1].

[1]ACPM Medical College, Dhule – 424001, Maharashtra, India

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Vikram V. Kadu
ACPM Medical College, Dhule – 424001, Maharashtra India
Email :


Introduction: Giant cell tumor is a benign bone tumor, locally aggressive with low malignant potential. The goal of treatment of this tumor at the distal radius is complete removal of the tumor and reconstruction of the bone defect in order to preserve maximum function of the wrist joint.
Case Series: This is a retrospective study conducted in 5 consecutive patients of GCT of distal radius. All patients presented with pain and swelling over distal end radius and were assessed clinically and radiographically. X-ray showed lytic lesion at lower end of radius suggestive of GCT. Histopathological examination and FNAC was done to confirm the diagnosis. Once the patient was fit for Surgery, wide excision of tumor and reconstruction with ipsilateral non-vascularised proximal fibula was performed. DCP plating was done to secure the fibular graft to the radius. 2 K – wires, 1 transverse through the fibula and ulna and 1 through fibula into the carpals were used for additional fixation and to help maintain the fibula and ulna in close approximation.
Results: At final follow up of minimum 1 year, all cases had good graft union with no recurrence. The range of motion of the wrist was near normal with no instability and good grip strength. Although this is an early follow up no graft collapse and no arthritic changes were noted. There were no complications both at donor and recipient graft sites.
Conclusion: Autogenous non-vascularised fibular graft for reconstruction of distal radius GCTcan be considered as a reasonable option for treating such conditions. Long term follow up will be needed to assess temporal complications and long term survival of the graft.
Keywords: Distal radius, fibula, GCT, ipsilateral.


Juxta-articular giant cell tumors of the lower end radius are common and present a special problem of reconstruction after tumor excision. Various reconstructive procedures described, non-vascularised fibular autograft has been widely used with satisfactory functional results. Giant cell tumors (GCT) of the bone are aggressive and are recognised for variable clinical behaviour, which is not always related to radiographic or histological appearance [1]. Complete excision of the tumor offers the best chance of cure but sacrifices the articular surface and presents complex reconstructive problems. Giant cell tumor (GCT) of bone is a benign but locally aggressive tumor with tendency for local recurrence [2]. Distal radius is the third most commonly involved site of skeletal GCTs (10% cases) next to distal femur and proximal tibia [3,4]. Goals of treatment are to achieve satisfactory removal of the tumor, lessen the chance of local recurrence and to preserve as much wrist function as possible.

Case Series
This is a retrospective study conducted between 2004-2014. We studied 5 consecutive cases of GCT involving the distal radius operated by en-bloc resection of tumor followed by reconstruction with ipsilateral non-vascularized fibular graft with a minimum 1 year follow-up. Informed consent from the patient was taken and approval from the institutional review board was obtained for the study. Of the 5 cases studied, 3 were males and 2 were females. 3 right sided and 2 left sided. Mean age group was 22 yrs (14 – 30 yrs). Campanacci’s staging system for giant cell tumour of the bone [5] was used for cortical breach. According to this system, 2 tumours were classified as Stage I and 3 tumours as Stage II. Once the patient was medically fit, surgery (ORIF with resection of distal end of radius and reconstruction with ipsilateral non vascularised proximal fibula along with plate and 2 k-wires) was performed.

Surgical Technique
Patient supine on the operating table, with the arm on an arm board. Tourniquet on the arm was applied without exsanguinating the limb. Incision taken from the distal flexor crease of the wrist proximally upwards. The plane between the brachioradialis and flexor carpi radialis longus was used to reach upto the bone. The distal end of the radius was resected and measured. According to the measurement, the ipsilateral proximal fibula was resected and was reconstructed after giving thorough wash to the reconstruction site. The fibula was then fixed to the radius with a 6 hole DCP plate and 2 transverse k-wires at the distal end to stabilize the distal DRUJ. The path of common peroneal nerve was encased in soft tissue which was attached to proximal tibia. Closure was done and drain was kept. Below elbow slab was provided post-operatively.

Case Study
28 yrs old male presented to our OPD with complaints of pain and swelling over distal radius, moreover on the lateral side since 3 months. The swelling was initially small (Pea shaped) and gradually increased. On clinical examination, skin over the swelling was normal, swelling was diffuse and was fixed to the bone. The movements at the wrist joint was painless but the patient had tenderness on deep palpation. The egg shell crackling sign was absent on palpation. X-ray (Fig 1a) showed lytic lesion at the distal end of the radius. It was characteristic of soap bubble appearance. FNAC was done which revealed GCT. Further histopathology (Fig 1b) was done which confirmed GCT. Once the patient was medically fit, surgery (ORIF with resection of distal end of radius (Fig 1c) and reconstruction with ipsilateral non-vascularised proximal fibula along with plate and 2 k-wires) was performed. 6 hole DCP plate was used for reconstruction of the fibula to radius and 2 k-wires for additional stability to distal radio-ulnar joint. The patient was given below elbow slab post-operatively for 4 weeks and then below elbow cast for another 2 months. The arm was protected in corset for 1 yr. The 2 k-wires were removed at 3 months follow-up (Fig 1d). At 5 months follow-up (Fig 1e), patient was clinically and radiologically assessed and physiotherapy was started. At 1 yr follow-up (Fig 1f), The patient had gained acceptable range of movement with excellent grip strength, without any complication and returned to his previous work. All patients completed one year follow up and were called for final assessment. Bone graft had united in all cases with acceptable range of motion when compared to opposite side. There were no obvious complications, arthritis or recurrence.

Giant cell tumor is an aggressive lesion with a high rate of recurrence [6]. There are reports that giant cell tumors in the lower end of the radius are more aggressive and metastasize more often to the lungs(1). Non-vascularised fibular autograft was first used in 1945 for congenital absence of radius(7). Later, fibular transplants were used by various authors for tumours of the lower end radius(8). This reconstruction technique has yielded good functional results for giant cell tumour of the lower end of the radius in various series, although large series with longer follow-ups are few(9).
In our study, we treated 5 patients with giant cell tumour of the distal radius by resection and ipsilateral non-vascularised fibular graft. Non-vascularised proximal fibular graft is reasonably congruous with distal radius and incorporated more rapidly. The graft is easily accessible without donor site morbidity. No allograft was used in our study. The patients we studied belonged to young generation in which limb salvage along with functional range of motion is the demand. The aim of treatment is to remove the tumor, reduce the chances of recurrence and preserve the joint function.
Resection of distal radius and reconstruction with ipsilateral non-vascularized fibula offers several advantages like more congruency of carpal joint, rapid incorporation as autograft and easy accessibility without significant donor site morbidity. Structural change is also minimal. Moreover, immunogenic reactions are absent. Case reports of joint preservation using vascularized fibula or prosthesis are found to be few and inconclusive(10,11]. Vascularised fibula has advantages of speeding up the healing time and early mobilization but at the same time its disadvantages includes; prolonged surgery time, need to sacrifice the arteries, skilled surgeon, not possible by an average orthopaedic surgeon.
The most commonly encountered complication in such cases are non-union, delayed union, wrist joint subluxation, subluxation of DRUJ. In our study we didn’t encounter any of the complications. Moreover, reconstruction with ipsilateral non-vascularised fibular graft is less time consuming, comparatively easy, can be done by any average orthopaedic surgeon and does not require any microvascular surgery. A proper length of fibular graft is a must to maintain the radial height and to prevent subluxation of the wrist joint. We ensured this by harvesting the fibula 2-3 mm more than the required length, which is the resected tumor length plus the safe margin. This 2-3 mm allowed us to achieve compression at the host-graft junction during fixation with DCP. A longer fibular graft will lead to subluxation of the wrist whereas 2 k-wires fixed in the distal fibula-ulnar joint further helps in stabilization of the wrist joint. There is a chance of stiffness of the wrist with relatively longer duration of immobilization and consequently decrease in the hand grip strength.
GCT of the distal radius is best treated with excision of the distal radius and reconstruction by non-vascularized fibula with good functional results[12].Our method of resection and reconstruction with non-vascularized fibular graft, internal fixation with DCP with primary bone grafting, use of stabilizing K-wires across the newly formed wrist joint and ligament reconstruction has been advocated by many other authors[13,14,15].

Figure 1

Clinical Message

ORIF with resection of distal end of radius and reconstruction with ipsilateral non-vascularised proximal fibula along with plate and 2 k-wires is a novel method for treating giant cell tumors of distal end of radius with all good results, excellent grip strength and  with minimal complications. It also preserves the functional movement and stability with normal appearance of the wrist. Further, this procedure eliminates the need for microvascular surgery. Moreover, the anterior approach used in our study offers excellent and safe exposure of the radius.

Editor’s Note

The surgical treatment of a giant cell tumor located in the distal radius is dictated mainly by the Campanacci grading. It is accepted that the distal radius is one site where giant cell tumors have a very high rate of local recurrence. It is mainly because of the anatomical constraints and difficulty in achieving a complete intra lesional clearance. However, whenever possible, salvaging the wrist by intra lesional curettage and reconstruction has always shown much better functional outcomes as compared by the M.S.T.S. scoring system. This is possible when the disease is not involving the radio-carpal joint, the soft tissue extension is in only one plain and the residual bone stock is adequate. Campanacci grade 1 and 2 lesions and some grade 3 lesions may still be amenable to intra lesional curettage, though with a higher risk of local recurrence. This is compensated by the much better functional outcomes as compared with en bloc resections. The success of fibular reconstruction modality with wrist salvage would largely depend on regaining the wrist ligamentous and capsular stability, failure of which will result in stiff, painful wrist and carpal subluxation. Such a reconstructive modality may not be the preferred choice in very large Campanacci grade 3 lesions, wherein wrist arthrodesis either by bone graft or ulnar translocation technique gives excellent functional outcome with minimum risk of local recurrence.


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How to Cite this article: Godghate N, Kadu VV, Saindane KA, Godghate NN. Non-Vascularised Ipsilateral Fibular strut – A Modality to Treat Giant cell tumor of lower end radius using Anterior Approach. Journal of  Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors May-Aug 2015; 1(1):45-47.

Dr. Ninad Godghate

Dr. Ninad Godghate


Dr. Vikram V. Kadu

Dr. Vikram V. Kadu


Dr. K. A. Saindane

Dr. K. A. Saindane


Dr. Neha N Godghate

Dr. Neha N Godghate


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